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Why Land Trust?

The Litchfield Land Trust … “is your local connection to conserving, exploring, and celebrating the land and special places that you love.”     – CT Land Conservation Council 

  • Conserving land and water. We protect soil and water quality by sustaining forests, woodlands, meadows, wetlands, streams, ponds, and aquifers.
  • Connecting people to the land. We maintain hiking trails and provide access to the outdoors and community gathering spaces. Programs with schools, community organizations, and municipalities support and inspire.
  • Enhancing green spaces and developing community gardens. We work to create healthier communities through parks, natural areas, forests, and community gardens.
  • Preserving farms and supporting rural economies. We collaborate with farm families and their communities to ensure that land is always available for local agriculture and food production.
  • Sustaining wildlife and biodiversity. We manage strategic preservation properties to allow for wildlife habitat corridors.
  • Protecting scenic views. We protect gorgeous scenic viewsheds from being lost to development.
  • Connecting communities to the land, history, and each other. We are part of our community and work to preserve the natural and historic places that are important to our local history.
  • Mitigating climate change. Maintaining healthy forests is a key strategy for the absorption of atmospheric carbon.  Click to learn more…

P.O. Box 712
28 Russell Street
​Litchfield, CT 06759


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